Engagement of authors

(same as website)

  • This Commitment is one of CERES' editorial innovations. It describes, by summarizing them, the main values and editorial policies of CERES, in particular by emphasizing what distinguishes it from other scientific centres. By using a synthetic and written form in the “I” to reinforce the understanding and the degree of agreement of its readers, it makes it possible to properly inform people who wish to publish in CERES. He shows them and reminds them at the same time that publishing in CERES is not a trivial gesture intended to add a line to an academic file. It is an ethical gesture that participates in the fight to enrich and enhance a pluriversal science (open to the plurality of knowledge) in the service of a better world.

The points addressed in the Commitment concern editorial policies (open access, integrity, inclusive writing) and values (multilingualism, cognitive justice, etc.) as well as the services offered by the general direction and what is expected from the authors: use of the CERES style sheet, absence of plagiarism, complete and exact references, etc.

Each author who has decided to submit a text to one of the CERES journals must read this Commitment before submitting an abstract in the appropriate form and explicitly signify, by ticking a box on the form, that he or she has understood and fully accepts it. Authors are of course also invited to read carefully the CERES editorial policies on open access, integrity, linguistics and evaluation. In the case of collaborative articles, all authors must read this Commitment and accept it. The main author is responsible for this sharing.

Please note that this document will evolve over time and as experience is gained. The version below dates from March 2023.

  • I understand that the publication of a text in one of the CERES journals is not conditional on any payment, but that CERES needs donors to finance its activities and develop. I therefore understand that I am invited to make a donation, whatever the amount, to CERES or to find an organization that will make this donation on my behalf.
  • I understand that the publication of an article in one of the CERES journals commits me to agree to evaluate in the next year (from the date of publication of my article) at least two texts that will be sent by the General Directorate of CERES and to do so seriously and diligently. This task is unpaid.
  • I certify that the text submitted is indeed from me (or from my writing group in the case of a collective article) and that I have fully contributed to it. If it turns out that my name appears there out of convenience or fraud, I accept in advance that my article be withdrawn from the journal.
  • I certify that my article does not contain any passage plagiarized from another text. I agree that my article will be submitted to an anti-plagiarism software. If plagiarism is revealed, I accept in advance that my article be removed from the journal.
  • I certify that I have mentioned in the body of the text or in a footnote all the links of interest, subsidies and sponsorships that have allowed the research reported in the article or the writing of my article.
  • If my text is of the article or synthesis/debate type, I accept that it will be submitted to the external double-blind peer review process as recommended by CERES editorial policies and I accept to take into account, in the final version of this text, the comments resulting from the evaluation and those responsible for the review.
  • If my text is of the research note, research question, report, practice/return from the field or interview type, I understand that it will be evaluated internally by the editorial board, which may, however, call on an external expertise as needed.
  • I understand that it is possible that the journal in which I wish to publish practices a so-called “open” evaluation, that is to say, which publishes the history of my article (a summary of the evaluations); this information must be clearly displayed on the journal's website.
  • I understand that I must use the style sheet proposed by CERES for my text, which will guarantee that all the necessary information will be there and that the work of putting it online on the journal's website will be quick and efficient, with less risk of error.
  • I undertake to carefully check the bibliography of my text and to respond to requests from the CERES General Directorate in this regard: the references must be complete, no reference mentioned in the body of the text must be missing from the list references, no reference mentioned in the list should be missing from the body of the text.
  • I undertake to make every effort to translate or have translated my abstract into my mother tongue or into a language of my country.
  • I understand that my text will be available in open access, under a Creative Commons CC BY-SA license, which means that I do not transfer the rights to it and that I can reuse it in other contexts, just like the readers, provided they cite the original source and use the same license. For more information: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/
  • Je comprends que le CERES va générer une version PDF de mon article qui me sera remise par le comité de rédaction de la revue dans laquelle il a été publié et qui sera déposée dans le …………, l’archive ouverte du ……………., si mon université d’appartenance est membre du …………. La Direction générale peut aussi le déposer dans l’archive ouverte ………………… et je comprends que je peux déposer cet article partout sur le web. Par contre, je ne recevrai pas de version imprimée de ce PDF.
  • Je comprends que le CERES privilégie, dans sa politique linguistique, une écriture inclusive qui assure une visibilité symbolique égale aux femmes et aux hommes, que je suis invité-e à l’utiliser dans mon article et que la révision linguistique finale reflètera ce choix.
  • Je comprends que le CERES, dans sa politique linguistique, n’impose pas du tout une écriture au « nous », mais accepte et encourage une écriture située, qui peut choisir d’utiliser le « je » si c’est important ou pertinent pour l’auteur ou l’autrice.
  • Je comprends que les illustrations que je propose doivent toutes comporter une légende explicative et une mention de la source et que seules les illustrations autorisées ou libres de droits sont acceptées. Le CERES pourra m’indiquer des banques d’images libres de droits au besoin, notamment la banque Creative commons.
  • Je comprends que je dois minimiser les tableaux et schémas compliqués à la fois pour faciliter la lecture de mon texte et pour ne pas demander l’impossible au logiciel utilisé par le CERES (Pressbooks).
  • Je comprends que je dois viser l’accessibilité de mon texte pour qu’il soit lu et utilisé dans le monde de la recherche et de l’enseignement, mais aussi dans la société civile, les administrations, les entreprises, etc. Par conséquent, je m’engage à minimiser le jargon ou à expliquer tous les concepts clés que j’utilise, surtout s’ils sont rares ou peu connus.
  • Je comprends que le CERES, dans sa quête de justice cognitive, m’encourage à utiliser et citer des travaux de chercheuses (femmes) et des travaux issus d’autres régions des Suds, comme l’Afrique, l'Amérique latine ou l’Asie.
  • Je m’engage à répondre aussi rapidement que possible aux messages émanant de l’équipe du CERES, par mail/courriel ou WhatsApp.